It seems like November has gone in the blink of an eye - Thanksgiving is already behind us, and the weeks from now until Christmas promise to fly by. Let's turn back the clock to last weekend, when I saw an Avett Brothers doubleheader at the Riverside in Milwaukee.
I've only seen the Avetts a handful of times, including these shows, so perhaps it's not surprising I was unaware of their early entry presale policy before this tour. For most GA shows, it seems, the first 30 tickets purchased through the band's presale get early entry to the venue. I was lucky enough to be among the thirty on both nights, and let me just say: I highly recommend it. Especially during winter months.
I'd entertained thoughts of grabbing a balcony seat for the second night, but in the end I couldn't resist the allure of the front pit. In retrospect, I'm glad I chose to stand. I'm no expert on the Avett Brothers catalog or live shows, but judging from those who are, this two-night stand was one for the ages. Particularly Saturday night, despite the soundboard computer system crashing during the first song. Sorting things out took a little while, but the crowd was rewarded with a long, passionate set full of deep cuts - including a song that had only been played once before. Every song, from the ones I know well to those I'd never heard, was entertaining. The band's enthusiasm is infectious, and the crowd was happy to give it back.
As often happens when I see more than one concert by an artist within a short amount of time, I got that familiar itch: I wanted to see more. The fact that so many different songs were played over the two nights exacerbated the situation. It's probably a good thing for me that the Avett Brothers are more or less finished touring for the moment.

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